Our mission and duty is to support and showcase a community that leaves no-one behind

If you’re looking to get involved with the work that we do, thank you! None of what we do is possible without your help and it’s always great to know that the good causes you support can continue to deliver their services thanks to people like you!

If you aren’t sure how you can help, there are a number of ways listed below.


None of the work we do is possible without the generosity of people like you. Organising fundraising events really helps generate the funds we need, and also raises awareness of our cause. You can do things such as Sky diving, bake sales, running/ athletics events, sponsored dog walks, car washes, the opportunities are endless!

Whatever you decide, once you’ve set up your fundraising page on somewhere like Raisely, Crowdfunder, GoFundMe, JustGiving etc, let us know and we’ll help spread the word!


Do you share our passion for making a difference in your community? We are always looking for volunteers who can selflessly give up some of their free time to help us carry out our work. If you’re someone who can regularly shout us out on social media, offer to deliver training to schools (will be subject to DBS check), plan and run fundraising events, etc, we want to hear from you. To find out more, click here, or simply fill out the volunteer form with a bit about you and what you’d like to help out with and we will be in touch.

Duke Of Edinburgh’s Award

As a Duke Of Edinburgh’s Award Approved Activity Provider, you can now do our Integrated Esports Enrichment Programme up to Gold level. This programme, aimed at 13-16 year olds, uses the power of online gaming in a safeguarded, peer-mentored environment to help you develop the skills you need to achieve your DofE Award, and become an OG!

To learn more about this programme and how to register for the next cohort, click here…


Shawmind is a registered charity that relies on the generosity of its donors and sponsors, individuals and companies. You can donate to our causes in a number of ways, either by BACS, cheque or donating to our Raisely page, or you can donate to specific projects via their crowdfunding pages which will be linked from the homepage.

You can also set up a monthly direct debit if you wish to, so you know that you are continually helping month by month!

To find out more, or to make a donation, please click here.


Leaving a legacy gift to Shawmind in your will helps to fund our mission. We need your support to help keep our services running for years to come.

We’ve partnered up with Prestige will writers who will write your will for free if you leave a gift to Shawmind. If this is something you’d like to find out more about, please contact us and we will be in touch to discuss the process and how you get started.


Support our campaigns and programmes by purchasing some of our merchandise! You’ll find all sorts on there from hoodies and t-shirts to mugs and bags, and the best bit is that all profits go towards our programmes supporting children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing.

You can also purchase mental health training courses via our training suite. There’s more than 25 courses available on various subjects that can help you better understand your mental health, or that of someone you know.


At ShawMind, we are committed to making a positive difference in the lives of children by promoting their mental wellbeing. We believe that by fostering strong partnerships, we can create an even greater impact. Our goal is to provide children with the support they need to thrive emotionally, socially, and academically. Through collaboration with schools, sports clubs, and other organizations, we aim to develop comprehensive programs that address the unique challenges faced by children today. Together, we can build a brighter future for our children and ensure their mental wellbeing is prioritized.. To find out more, click here and if you want to discuss becoming a partner, please email us.