
6 Facts about stress you might not know

Stress has a variety of physical and emotional effects on us, with varying degrees of intensity. Not everyone reacts to stress in the same way, and what one person finds stressful may not be for another.

Everyone is affected by stress at some point in their lives, but how much do you truly know about it? Here are 6 facts about stress that you might not know.

1. Stress is a hormonal reaction from the body

This reaction all starts with the part of your mind known as the hypothalamus. When you’re stressed, the hypothalamus sends indicators to your nervous system and kidneys. In turn, your kidneys launch stress hormones. These include adrenaline and cortisol.

2. Everyone is affected by stress in different ways

Stress manifests itself in a variety of ways, and not everyone will experience it in the same way. Some people are more impacted by emotional symptoms like concern, restlessness, and irritation, whilst others are more affected by physical symptoms like headaches, muscular tension, and digestive problems.

3. Some types of stress can be good for you

For a healthy and exciting existence, a sort of stress known as ‘eustress’ is necessary and beneficial. Eustress is the sort of stress you feel on a roller coaster (if you appreciate fast rides), when playing a pleasant game, or while you’re falling in love.

We feel energetic and alive when we are experiencing eustress. Chronic stress, on the other hand, is a very different issue!

4. Some “stress relievers” actually make things worse

Most of us have a few unhealthy coping mechanisms for dealing with stress. Unfortunately, most of these ‘bad habits,’ while enjoyable at the time, may lead to far greater stress in the long term.

If you smoke, drink too much, spend too much, or manage stress in a way you know isn’t healthy for you, look for tools to help you understand how you’re currently affecting your stress levels and how to cope in a better way. Our Understanding Stress course can teach you what stress is and how to deal with it effectively.

5. Headaches can be caused by stress

Muscle tension caused by stress might result in headaches. It also causes your body to emit certain chemicals, which might cause migraines for some people. If you suffer from migraines, you may notice that you have more headaches during stressful times.

Eat frequently, drink lots of water, and try some of your favourite breathing techniques to stay relaxed throughout the day to reduce your risk of headaches.

6. Stress can be successfully managed

Fortunately, there are several methods for managing stress. Eating a good, balanced diet, exercising regularly, and using various relaxation techniques can all help you decrease stress and enhance your physical and mental health.

If you are interested in learning more about stress, our CPD Accredited Understanding Stress course is perfect for you. Our Understanding Stress course teaches the learner what stress is, how it can be managed and prevented, and how you can support someone who is struggling with stress.

For more information on stress, including stress management, download our free stress guide.

At Shawmind, we want to make it easier for everyone to handle moments of poor mental health by reducing stigma and increasing awareness of support options. That’s why all funds raised through our online courses support Headucation – our mission to train teachers in the basics of mental health support of children.

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