
Neurodiversity: make it part of your D&I strategy

Shawmind’s Assistant Psychologist, Theo Durner, presented a series on neurodiversity to the team at Julius Bär International during Neurodiversity Awareness Week. The sessions gave a brief insight into ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia and Dyspraxia, ideas on how to manage neurodiverse team members, and how the diversity it presents can potentially be to an organisation’s advantage.

The series aims at getting people thinking differently about neurodiversity, and appreciating that it can present new opportunities and solutions that can be of great benefit to the organisation. As such, it should be included on any organisation’s diversity and inclusion agenda.

A range of additional resources and useful links through which to learn more about neurodiversity and where to go for further help and support are also included in a PDF that accompanies the series.

If you would like more information about this series, or would like to discuss your mental health training requirements, please contact us.

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