Mental Health Insights

Breaking the Stigma: Menopause and Mental Health

Women’s mental health is a topic that deserves attention and support.

Mental health problems are common in society, with women being particularly vulnerable to certain mental health conditions due to genetics, hormones, anatomy, neurology and psychosocial structures.

Women go through various stages of life that can affect their mental health, and menopause is a major one of them that until now has received very little attention.

What is the Impact of Menopause on Women’s Mental Health?

Menopause is caused by hormonal changes which arise as a woman gets older – typically occurring between the ages of 44 and 55. The menopausal transition, known as the perimenopause stage, is marked by various physical and psychological changes. These changes place women at a greater risk of developing poor mental health.

Hormonal changes during menopause can cause a decrease in serotonin levels, a neurotransmitter that regulates mood. This can lead to symptoms of depression and anxiety. Mental disorders can also greatly affect women’s health as they approach menopause, and for those who already had mental health issues, menopause can exacerbate these conditions.

What are common mental health issues faced by women going through menopause?

1. Suicide

The onset age of the menopausal stage has been associated with increased suicide rates. Among women, death by suicide is most common among those in the 45-49 age demographic, with the second highest rate in females being between the ages of 50-54 years.

2. Perimenopausal Depression

A common mental health problem among women approaching menopause is perimenopausal depression, which has a broad range of symptoms that can impact mental health.

Symptoms of perimenopausal depression include:

  • Sleep disturbance
  • Low energy
  • Irritability
  • Reduced self-esteem
  • Anxiety
  • Issues with memory and concentration
  • Weight gain
  • A decrease in sexual interest
  • Paranoia

How can I improve my mental health during menopause?

Firstly, by reducing the stigma around menopause and women’s mental health in general, we can open up the conversation and make women feel less alone and more supported during this challenging time in their lives.

Eating a healthy, balanced diet, doing mindfulness exercises and exercising regularly can help to ease some menopausal symptoms.

There are also various medical and therapeutic treatments that you can talk to your doctor about if you feel these will help relieve some of the mental health impacts of menopause.

Everyone is different so always choose what is right for you.

The Women’s Mental Health Info Guide, provided for free by Shawmind, is an excellent resource for women seeking information on mental health.

The guide provides a wealth of information on the physical and psychological changes that women may experience during menopause and offers practical advice on how to manage mental health as a woman. Shawmind also provides tips for improving mental wellbeing through a variety of useful information guides, workshops and training courses.

Women’s Mental Health Support Services – Useful Contacts & Websites

Menopause Support Services

British Menopause Society

The Menopause Charity

Women’s Mental Health Support Services

Wellbeing of Women


Women’s Aid – Until Women and Children are Safe

Agenda – Alliance for Women and Girls at Risk

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How Sleep Can Improve Your Mental Health and Well-being

Although sleep is an often-overlooked aspect of maintaining good mental health, its importance is undeniable. Research shows around 75% of people with depression also show signs of insomnia. A lack of regular healthy sleep can have negative impacts on your mental health and well-being.

As part of our aim to increase mental health awareness, we want to discuss how sleep can improve your mental health, and what you can do if you feel you aren’t getting enough sleep.

How does mental health affect sleep?

Poor mental health can negatively impact your quality of sleep, and a lack of quality sleep can cause further mental health problems and worsen any existing mental health conditions.

These are a few mental health disorders that can impact sleep:

How does lack of sleep affect the brain?

Our brain needs sleep daily, and without regular, consistent, healthy sleep, we risk developing short-term and long-term negative effects that can impact our mental health and cognitive function.

Common short-term effects of lack of sleep include::

  • Memory difficulties
  • Concentration issues
  • Decreased cognitive function
  • Anxiety
  • Weak immune system
  • Irritability

Over time you can develop long-term issues from lack of sleep. Studies show that prolonged lack of sleep can lead to changes in the brain, making you at risk of diseases such as Alzheimer’s and chronic depression.

Our bodies are in a state of healing as we sleep, our immune system needs sleep to work properly. With lack of sleep, your immune system is weakened, and you are at increased risk of developing physical illness. Sleep is responsible for regulating hormone balances in the body. A lack of sleep can lead to an imbalance of hormones in the brain which can impact our mood and cognitive function.

How can quality sleep improve mental health?

The mental health benefits of quality sleep are undeniable.

Here are some of the benefits you can experience by improving your sleep.:

1. Improved mood

Sleep deprivation can make you feel tired, moody, anxious, and irritable constantly. Improved sleep leads to improved mood, which improves your general mental health.

2. Improved cognitive function

Our brain relies on sleep for optimal performance. Getting enough healthy sleep can lead to increased cognitive function, improved memory, attention, and a better hormone balance, which means our bodies can function like they should!

3. Reduce risk of mental disorders

Improved sleep can lead to a decrease in risk of disorders such as anxiety and depression, which leads to a better quality of life.

4. Improved overall physical health

Our physical bodies rely on sleep to heal and function effectively. Without proper sleep, we can become unhealthy and reliant on unhealthy foods like energy drinks and sugary foods to function throughout the day. This can lead to a cycle of unhealthy behaviours.

Improved sleep can lead to an improvement in physical health, which can make us feel more positive and mentally healthy.

What are the causes of sleep problems and how can we improve them?

If you’re experiencing sleep issues, it is important to get to the root of the problem so you can understand what you need to do to rectify the issue.

Here are a few things that can cause problems with sleep:

Stress and anxiety

If you’re going through a stressful period in your life, perhaps from work or your personal life, you may find it difficult to fall asleep.

Tips: Try unwinding before bed, practice relaxation techniques and limit your screen time before bed. This can reduce anxiety levels.

If you want to learn more about anxiety and how to treat it, find out more with our anxiety course.

Poor sleep habits

Unhealthy sleep habits include:

  • Staying up late
  • Inconsistent sleep schedules
  • Consuming caffeine, nicotine, or alcohol before bed
  • Eating heavy or spicy meals before bedtime
  • Using electronic devices and social media before bed
  • Lack of bedtime routine

Tips: If your sleep routine involves any of the above, it may be the reason why you suffer from a lack of healthy sleep. Eliminate any poor habits and watch your sleep and mental health improve.

Medical conditions and medications

Some medical conditions such as allergies, chronic pain or sleep disorders can make it difficult to sleep. Similarly, certain medications can cause sleep problems.

Tip: Speak to your doctor about your sleep issues and for any advice they can give you.

Caffeine, alcohol, and poor diet

Your diet plays an important role for your mental health and your sleep. If you have a bad diet, it could be the cause of your sleep problems and this can in turn be impacting your mental health.

Tips: Keep a balanced diet by reducing your junk food, caffeine and alcohol intake to improve your sleep, physical health and mental health.

How much sleep is important for mental health?

The amount of sleep we need changes throughout our lives. It is important that all ages get the sleep they need to maintain good mental health.

Here are the amount of hours of sleep recommended for each year of age:

  • 1-2 years: 11-14 hours
  • 3-5 years: 10-13 hours
  • 6-13 years: 9-11 hours
  • 14-17 years: 8-10 hours
  • 18-25 years: 7-9 hours
  • 26-64 years: 7-9 hours
  • 65+ years: 7-8 hours

If you want to learn more about mental health, enrol on one of our mental health courses today.

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We Need to Pay Attention to Women’s Mental Health

As we celebrate Women’s History Month this March, it’s important to acknowledge the challenges that women face in terms of their mental health.

Women’s mental health is an issue that needs to be talked about more openly and addressed with more care. Societal expectations, gender discrimination, and various forms of violence against women, including sexual assault and domestic violence, can lead to depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. Women generally react very differently to men in such circumstances, and that’s why it’s crucial to have an honest conversation about women’s mental health and find ways to support and empower women in addressing these challenges.

Why is Women’s Mental Health Important?

Mental health issues affect everyone, but women are three times more likely than men to experience common mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, self harm and suicidal ideation.

This is partly due to the social and economic factors that disproportionately affect women, such as gender discrimination, gender-based violence, and poverty. Women are also more likely to experience some types of traumas, such as sexual and physical assault and repeated domestic violence, which can lead to mental health problems.

There is still a stigma surrounding mental health that prevents many women from seeking help. By paying attention to women’s mental health, increasing mental health awareness and normalising conversation about mental health and wellness, we can break down these barriers and ensure that all women have access to the information, support and care they need.

What Are Signs of Mental Ill health in Women?

Mental ill health can manifest in many different ways, but there are some common signs and symptoms that women should look out for.

Signs of potential mental ill health in women are:

  1. Changes in mood: Women with poor or deteriorating mental health may experience sudden and extreme changes in their mood, such as feeling sad or irritable for no apparent reason.
  2. Changes in behaviour: They may also exhibit changes in their behaviour, such as withdrawing from friends and family, engaging in risky behaviours, or neglecting personal hygiene.
  3. Physical symptoms: Some mental health conditions can also cause physical symptoms, such as headaches, fatigue, and stomach problems.
  4. Difficulty coping with daily life: They may find it difficult to perform everyday tasks, such as going to work or caring for their families.

If you or someone you know is experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s important to seek help from a mental health professional.

How We Can Increase Mental Health Awareness Among Women?

Here are some ways we can do this:

  1. Encourage open conversation: By talking openly about mental health, we can reduce the stigma surrounding it and encourage women to seek help when they need it.
  2. Educate women about mental health: Providing women with information about mental health and how to recognize the signs of mental ill health can help them identify problems early and seek treatment. If you want to learn more about a couple of the most common mental health challenges, we recommend starting with our Understanding Depression and Understanding Anxiety courses.
  3. Increase access to mental health services: Governments and healthcare providers should work to make mental health services more accessible and affordable for all women.
  4. Advocate for policy change: We need to advocate for policies that address the root causes of mental illness in women, such as gender discrimination and poverty.

What Can You Do To Support Women’s Mental Health?

This Women’s History Month, let’s start the conversation and raise awareness of women’s mental health. By doing so, we can ensure that all women have access to the care they need and reduce the stigma surrounding mental ill health. Let’s work together to support women’s mental health and create a world where everyone can thrive.

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Young people, homelessness and mental health…

At least 271,000 people are recorded as homeless in England, including 122,000 children.

In Europe, young people aged 18-29 represent 20-30% of the homeless population – that is equivalent to as many as 3 in 10 persons under the age of 29 being homeless! Young people who experience homelessness are more likely to experience mental health problems than those who have stable accommodation. More than 1 in 3 (35%) homeless young adults, ages 18-25, reported having a mental health problem.

This is why we need to raise awareness for the mental health of homeless young people in the UK. Everyone has the right to good mental health, regardless of their background or personal circumstances.

Shawmind will be represented by Peter Wingrove (our CEO) at The Big Newark Sleepout 2023 on March 10th to raise money and awareness for improving mental health amongst homeless young people. Funds raised will be used to provide mental health training and support.

The link between homelessness and mental health

Homelessness can have a severe impact on young people’s mental health, leading to depression, anxiety, and trauma.

Living on the streets or in temporary accommodations can cause constant stress, leading to psychological distress. Mental health problems can also arise from the trauma and abuse that many young people face before and during homelessness.

Common mental health problems that can arise during homelessness are:

  • Trauma: Young people who experience homelessness are often exposed to trauma, including physical and sexual abuse, violence, and neglect. 94% percent of homeless youth have been physically victimised and 39% have been sexually victimised. This can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental health problems.
  • Social isolation: Homelessness can be an incredibly isolating experience, particularly for young people who may feel disconnected from their peers and support networks. This isolation can lead to depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues.
  • Substance use: Young people who are homeless are more likely to use drugs and alcohol as a coping mechanism. Over 75% of homeless youth have used drugs or alcohol. Substance use can contribute to or worsen mental health problems.
  • Stigma and discrimination: Homelessness is often stigmatised, and young people who are homeless may experience discrimination and prejudice. This can lead to low self-esteem, shame, and other mental health problems.

Why should we support young people’s mental health?

  1. Mental Health is a Human Right: Everyone has the right to good mental health, regardless of their background or personal circumstances.
  2. Prevention is Key: Investing in early intervention and support for young people’s mental health can prevent more severe and long-term mental health problems in the future.
  3. Social and Economic Benefits: Supporting young people’s mental health can lead to significant social and economic benefits, including reduced homelessness rates, improved employment outcomes, and lower healthcare costs.
  4. Breaking the Cycle: Supporting young people’s mental health can help break the cycle of homelessness and improve their chances of building a stable and fulfilling life.

How can we support young people’s mental health?

  1. Increase Access to Mental Health Services: More mental health services need to be available to young people experiencing homelessness, including outreach teams, counselling, and psychological support.
  2. Supportive Housing: Providing young people with safe, stable, and supportive housing can improve their mental health outcomes and help them to move forward with their lives.
  3. Trauma-informed care: Healthcare and support services need to be trauma-informed, recognizing the complex trauma that many young people have experienced.
  4. Education and Awareness: Raising awareness about the link between homelessness and mental health is crucial in reducing stigma and encouraging more support for young people.
  5. Advocacy and Policy Change: Advocacy and policy change are essential in addressing the root causes of homelessness and mental health problems among young people.

Do you want to improve young people’s mental health?

Join our CEO’s campaign at Big Newark Sleepout on March 10th to raise money and awareness for homeless young people in the UK.

Donate to Shawmind to improve the mental health of young people in the UK through mental health early intervention and education.

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How hearing loss can impact mental health

It’s World Hearing Day!

Let’s work to increase awareness and education of hearing loss impact on mental health this World Hearing Day.

1 in 6 of the UK adult population is affected by hearing loss. It can occur at any age and can be caused by various factors, such as aging, noise exposure, infections, and genetics.

While hearing loss is typically associated with communication difficulties, it can also have a significant impact on mental health.

The Impact of Hearing Loss on Mental Health

Hearing loss can have a range of mental health effects on individuals, including:

  1. Social isolation: Hearing loss can make it challenging to communicate with others, leading to feelings of social isolation and loneliness.
  2. Anxiety and depression: The frustration and difficulty in communication caused by hearing loss can contribute to anxiety and depression.
  3. Cognitive decline: Studies have shown that hearing loss can accelerate cognitive decline, leading to an increased risk of dementia.
  4. Reduced quality of life: Hearing loss can impact a person’s overall quality of life, affecting their relationships, work, and leisure activities.

The effects of hearing loss on mental health can also impact families and caregivers. They may feel frustrated or helpless when communicating with their loved ones, leading to stress and strain in relationships.

Protecting Mental Health Through Hearing Loss

Hearing loss can be a challenging condition to manage, especially when it comes to mental health. The mental health effects of hearing loss can often go unnoticed or be dismissed, making it essential to raise awareness and promote strategies for protecting mental health.

Here are some ways to protect your mental health through hearing loss:

  1. Improve communication strategies: Learning new communication styles, such as British Sign Language or Makaton can decrease social isolation and reduce the mental health impact on the person experiencing hearing loss. Simple strategies when communicating with someone who’s going through hearing loss, such as speaking clearly, facing the person when speaking, and reducing background noise can also improve communication and reduce frustration.
  2. Educate others: Educating family members, friends, and co-workers about the mental health effects of hearing loss can help them better understand and support individuals with hearing loss. There are a variety of mental health courses available for individuals to improve their understanding of mental health. Shawmind’s Understanding Depression and Understanding Anxiety courses are ideal to learn how to support those struggling with these mental health issues.
  3. Practice self-care: Individuals with hearing loss may experience increased stress and anxiety, making self-care essential. Regular exercise, meditation, and other stress-reducing activities can help improve mental health and well-being.
  4. Consider therapy: Therapy can be a valuable tool for individuals with hearing loss, particularly if they’re struggling with anxiety, depression, or other mental health conditions. Therapy can provide a safe space to talk about their experiences and learn coping strategies.
  5. Join support groups: Joining a support group can provide emotional support, reduce social isolation, and help individuals and families learn coping strategies.
  6. Advocate for accessibility: Advocating for accessibility in public spaces and workplaces can help individuals with hearing loss feel more included and reduce social isolation. This can include installing hearing loops, providing captioning or sign language interpreters, and making sure there’s adequate lighting and minimal background noise.

Hearing loss can have a significant impact on mental health, affecting individuals, families, and caregivers but it’s essential to remember that hearing loss doesn’t have to define an individual’s mental health. Working to support the mental health of people with hearing loss is vital, if you want to learn more about mental health, discover our Mental Health courses today.

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How to have fun without alcohol: A guide to a sober social life

Whether you’re quitting alcohol for physical health or mental health, there are many ways you can have fun while avoiding alcohol. Although drinking culture is extremely prevalent in the UK, there are many ways you can have fun without a drink.

Shawmind is an early intervention charity, working towards educating people to have the knowledge and understanding on how to look after their mental health. Whether you’re wanting to quit alcohol for mental health reasons, financial reasons or productivity reasons, in this article, we’ll be giving you an insight into how to have fun without the alcohol.

What are the benefits of a sober social life?

Improved physical and mental health

Although it may seem harmless, alcohol is a drug. This means that long-term usage can have serious physiological and psychological effects. This includes liver failure, dementia, breast cancer, depression, anxiety and more.

A life without alcohol returns your body to its natural, alcohol-free state, which allows it to flourish and function how it is meant to.

Increased productivity

A life without alcohol can bring your energy back. Staying sober can increase the quality of your sleep and make you feel more energised. You’ll have a better mental and physical state which can make you feel more motivated.

Cut costs

The cost of your social life doubles or even triples when factoring in the cost of alcohol. You’ll be saving tons of money that you can put towards more necessary things if you cut it out. Not only will you be saving on alcohol, but you’ll be saving on taxis too!

Improved relationships

A sober mind is a clear mind. Without alcohol, you will be able to approach relationships with a clear mind. You will also have more energy and motivation to spend time with family and children. This can develop stronger relationships.

Better clarity and perspective

The physical and physiological effects when you stop drinking can give you a better outlook on life. Because you feel better, you will have better thoughts, and feel more motivated to look after yourself. You will also start to realise how to have fun with meaningful people, hobbies and interests.

How to socialise without alcohol

So much of adult social situations in the UK is centred around alcoholic drinks. From evenings out with friends, to pub-Fridays after work, it can be difficult to understand how to restructure your life to be alcohol-free.

Here’s a few things you can do to have a good time without drinking.

Creative pursuits

Pick a creative hobby that you might be interested in. This can be photography, painting, pottery or cake decorating! Find time to work on your creative interests. Find like minded people in your creative field, this will allow you to have a social network where alcohol isn’t the common ground.

Volunteer work

If you want to do something beneficial and productive for the community, volunteer work is a great way of helping those who need it. You could even work with those wanting to get sober. Or, you could help homeless people whose lives have been affected by alcoholism and substance abuse.

Fitness and sports

When you stop drinking, your body will become much healthier and energised. Use this newfound energy to work on your physical and mental health by taking up exercise. This can be anything from walking on the treadmill, playing tennis or learning yoga.

You can join classes at your local fitness centre and make good friends with people with the same interests as you.

Cultural events

Concerts, festivals, museums and theatre shows are designed to be enjoyable without alcohol! Watching your favourite artist or show is a fun activity, and you are guaranteed to enjoy it without feeling like you need a drink.

Game nights

Game nights are great social events where friends and family can get together and have fun. Rather than serving alcohol, opt for your favourite snacks and let everyone know it will be a sober night. This way, you’ll feel comfortable and won’t feel pressured to drink.

How to build a social circle

Being around people who drink can be difficult for sober people. Although some may be comfortable with it, other sober people may prefer to opt out of drinking events and choose to develop a sober social agenda.

For this, you’ll need to develop a sober social circle. Here’s a few things you can do:

  • Find sober people in your area through online communities
  • Make social connections through shared interests and passions
  • Host alcohol free gatherings like a sober games night
  • Attending sober events
  • Join a sober society if you’re a student at university
  • Join clubs and groups focused around a shared interest, like a book club or football club.
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Understanding men’s mental health

Men’s mental health has become an important topic over the past decade. With 3 out of 4 suicides by men under 35 years of age, poor mental health in the male population has become a pressing issue for health experts across the country.

Shawmind is an early intervention charity. We help equip people with the knowledge and skills they need to look after their mental health. Due to the social constructs of masculinity, many men struggle to come forward with their mental health issues and seek help. In this article, we will be discussing some common mental health problems men face. We will also discuss ways in which men can improve their mental health.

Understanding men’s mental health

As understood by the Oxford Dictionary, ‘mental health is a person’s condition with regard to their psychological and emotional well-being’. This is not to be confused with mental illness, which is described by the NHS as ‘an illness that affects that way people think, feel, behave, or interact with others’.

Poor mental health can have physiological implications. If left untreated, poor mental health can lead to higher levels of stress hormones in the body. This has a snowball effect, and can lead to excessive weight gain, heart problems, a low immune system and more.

If poor mental health is left untreated for too long, it can lead to much larger issues. Anxiety and depression can lead to complex mental health disorders such as substance abuse or suicide.

Common symptoms of poor mental health include:

  • Extreme mood changes
  • Social withdrawal
  • Fatigue
  • Sleep problems
  • Feelings of anxiety and dread
  • Feelings of sadness

Whether you’re a man or woman experiencing these feelings, it is important to seek help. For many men, it may seem difficult to seek emotional help because you may feel that it is a sign of failure or weakness on your part, but this is untrue. It is important to speak to someone. You can speak to a professional, trusted colleague, friend or family member. Whatever you feel comfortable with!

The current state of men’s mental health

The statistics around men’s mental health are a cause for concern. According Mental Health Foundation in the UK:

  • Men are 3x more likely to die of suicide than women.
  • Men have lower levels of life satisfaction than women.
  • Men are more likely to sleep rough, abuse substances and alcohol and go missing.
  • Men aged 40-49 have highest suicide rates.
  • Men are less likely to seek psychological therapy than women, taking only 36% of referrals.

So why don’t men seek mental health help?

Society is full of dangerous gender stereotypes that put men and women in social cages. The feminist movement and the men’s mental health movement work towards destigmatising gender norms that can hold us back.

In society, men are expected to be strong, stoic breadwinners who are always emotionally independent and in control. Carrying this burden can become tiresome, and never seeking emotional help can lead to feelings of isolation and depression.

Oftentimes, men can feel embarrassed or demasculinised if they speak to anyone about their emotional struggles. However, the men’s mental health movement is working towards breaking down stigmas surrounding the mental wellbeing of men, encouraging them to speak up and speak out about this silent killer.

What can men do to improve their mental health?

Lifestyle changes

We can often pick up bad habits throughout our lives. From not sleeping enough to eating junk, these habits can negatively impact our mental balance.

The brain needs social interaction, exercise and nutrition so it can produce the right hormones to keep itself and the body functioning at an optimum level. Here are a few lifestyle changes you can make to improve your mental health.

  • Cutting out junk and eating a healthy diet
  • Sleeping the recommended hours for your age
  • Self-care to reduce stress, such as meditation and relaxation
  • Taking up new hobbies and old ones
  • Socialising with friends and family
  • Making time for yourself

Speaking to friends, family or colleagues

Although it may seem daunting at first, speaking to someone can be extremely beneficial. Choose someone you trust and feel comfortable around. Speaking to someone can take the weight off your shoulders and make your emotional load feel lighter.

Seek professional help

If you’re experiencing mental health problems, speak to your GP. They can refer you to a mental health expert who you can talk about mental health with. They can support you through your symptoms of depression, anxiety or any other mental health issues.

If you have the means, you can refer yourself to a mental health professional who will treat you privately.

Speaking to someone you know can be daunting and too vulnerable for some people. Also, some people may not have anyone to talk to within their immediate circle. A mental health professional can gain a holistic understanding of your life, your issues, and your lifestyle, and they will have no ‘agenda’ other than to see your mental health improve and you become the best version of yourself.

Multiple sessions can allow for your therapist to understand your issues, and can give curated advice that meets your needs and your lifestyle.

Speak to your employer

Many industries are waking to the issues of mental health in society. To encourage a healthy work environment and ensure good overall health for their employees, many employers have a designated HR specialist trained in mental health, or trained Mental Health First Aiders in several different departments within the business. Many companies have an Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) that provides free mental health support

Ask your employer if they have a service like this available. It can be beneficial and convenient to speak to someone in the workplace, and see what men’s mental health resources are available.

Many people also don’t know that it is a legal right in the UK to take a sick day for mental health reasons. If you’re needing a day to yourself for mental health reasons, be sure to speak to your employer and take a sick day.

Sometimes we need a break from life and adult expectations. Take a day off to focus on self care and looking after your mental health.

Male mental health is an important issue. To get men talking, and raise awareness about mental health, we encourage you to seek professional help if you are experiencing depression, suicidal thoughts or any other mental health condition.

Shawmind is an early intervention charity, aiming to equip people with the knowledge they need to prevent the next generation from a mental health crisis and support those who need mental health help. Download our FREE Male Mental Health Guide or check out or Headucation programmes today.

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The Cost of Living: How Rising Prices Are Affecting Our Mental Health

The cost of living has been on the rise for quite some time now, and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down. In fact, in some cases it seems to be speeding up! This is causing a lot of stress and anxiety for people all over the world, as they struggle to make ends meet. Not only is this putting a lot of financial stress on people, but it’s also taking its toll on their mental health.

In this blog post, we will take a look at how rising prices are affecting our mental health, and discuss some ways to cope with the stress of living in an expensive world.

How is the cost of living crisis affecting our mental health?

One of the main ways that rising prices are affecting our mental health is by putting a lot of financial stress on us. Many people struggle to make ends meet, and constantly worry about how they will cover their monthly expenses. This can take a toll on our mental health, leaving us feeling anxious and stressed out.

In addition to this, the cost of living can also impact our mental health by making it difficult for us to get access to the things we need. For example, if prices keep rising and wages don’t, we may not be able to afford healthy food or adequate healthcare, which can increase our risk of developing mental health conditions such as depression or anxiety.

By understanding how this affects different mental health conditions we can raise awareness, understanding and look for the right support.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

PTSD is one example of a mental health condition that can be impacted by the rising cost of living. This is because individuals with PTSD often struggle to find work and make ends meet, which can exacerbate their symptoms and increase their risk of developing other mental health conditions as well.

To cope with the stress of living in an expensive world, it is important to seek support and focus on self-care. This may include practicing mindfulness and meditation, engaging in healthy distractions like exercise or social activities, and reaching out to friends or family for support when you need it. Additionally, it is important to advocate for policies that will address the rising cost of living and ensure that everyone has access to vital resources like healthcare and a stable

Download our free info guides for more information on PTSD:

Childhood Trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

PTSD in the Military and Veterans


Another mental health condition that is impacted by the rising cost of living is depression. Individuals with depression may experience symptoms such as feelings of hopelessness and despair, low energy, changes in appetite or sleep patterns, and loss of interest in activities that were once enjoyable.

One way to cope with the stress of living in an expensive world if you are struggling with depression is to seek professional help. This may include speaking to a therapist, counselor, or psychiatrist about your symptoms and finding strategies that can help you manage them more effectively. You may also find it helpful to connect with support groups or online communities that can provide you with additional resources and encouragement as you work through this difficult time. Additionally, it is important to practice self-care by making sure you are getting enough sleep, eating well, and engaging in activities that bring you joy. With the right support and tools, it is possible to manage depression and live a fulfilling life despite the rising cost of living.

Looking to find out more about depression?

Shawmind’s CPD accredited Understanding Depression course will teach you about what depression is, how it affects people, how it can be managed and how you can support someone struggling.


As the cost of living rises, so too does anxiety levels in individuals who already suffer from anxiety. Individuals with anxiety may experience symptoms such as racing thoughts, increased heart rate, trouble sleeping, and tense muscles.

One way to cope with the stress of living in an expensive world if you are struggling with anxiety is to focus on self-care. This may include practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing, engaging in regular exercise or other physical activity, and staying connected to friends and family. Additionally, it can be helpful to seek professional support from a therapist or counselor who can offer you additional tools and strategies for managing your anxiety.

By taking the time to look after yourself both physically and emotionally, it is possible to cope with the challenges of living in an expensive world and find joy and fulfilment despite the rising cost of living.

Shawmind’s Understanding Anxiety course will teach you about what anxiety is, how it affects people, how it can be managed and how you can support someone struggling.


The rising cost of living can also impact those with OCD. Individuals with OCD may experience obsessions and compulsions related to money, spending, or saving that can be incredibly disruptive and stressful.

One way to cope with the stress of living in an expensive world if you are struggling with OCD is to seek professional support from a therapist or counselor. This may include developing coping strategies for your specific obsessions and compulsions, learning how to manage your symptoms more effectively, and using cognitive-behavioral therapy to learn new ways of thinking about your condition. Additionally, it can be helpful to connect with support groups or online communities that can provide you with additional resources and encouragement as you navigate living with OCD in an increasingly expensive world. With the right help and tools, it is possible to manage your OCD and live a fulfilling life despite the rising cost of living.

Want to learn about what OCD is, how it affects people, how it can be managed and how you can support someone struggling? Shawmind’s Understanding OCD course will give you an introduction to OCD , ideal for anyone with OCD or anyone who supports others with OCD including parents, teachers, and employers.

Eating Disorders

The rising cost of living can also contribute to individuals developing eating disorders. Individuals with an eating disorder may experience symptoms such as bingeing and purging, excessive exercising, or extreme dieting in order to control their weight or shape.

If you are struggling with an eating disorder, it is important to seek professional support from a qualified therapist or counsellor. This may include developing strategies for managing your symptoms more effectively, learning how to take care of yourself in healthy ways, and using cognitive-behavioural therapy to address the underlying causes of your disorder. Additionally, it can be helpful to connect with support groups or online communities that can provide you with additional resources and encouragement as you navigate living with an eating disorder in an increasingly expensive world. With the right help and tools, it is possible to manage your eating disorder and find happiness and fulfilment despite the rising cost of living. Interested in learning more about eating disorders?

Our Understanding Eating Disorders course is ideal for an introduction to the topic or as a knowledge refresher course. This fully online course provides a level of understanding that can be applied to personal or work life situations.

Domestic Violence

The rising cost of living can also impact individuals who are experiencing domestic violence. As financial strain and stress increases, the risk of domestic violence may also increase.

If you are struggling with domestic violence, it is important to reach out for professional support. This may include finding a safe place to stay, working with an advocate or counselor to develop a safety plan, and developing strategies for coping with the ongoing stress and trauma related to domestic violence. Additionally, it can be helpful to connect with support groups or online communities that can provide you with additional resources and encouragement as you navigate living with domestic violence in an increasingly expensive world.

Substance Use

The rising cost of living can also make individuals more vulnerable to developing substance use disorders. With limited resources available and high costs associated with recovery programs and treatment, those struggling with addiction may find it difficult to access the support they need.

If you are struggling with a substance, use disorder, it is important to seek professional support from a qualified therapist or counsellor. This may include developing strategies for managing your symptoms more effectively, learning about addiction and the recovery process, and utilising evidence-based treatments such as cognitive-behavioural therapy or motivational interviewing. Additionally, it can be helpful to connect with support groups or online communities that can provide you with additional resources and encouragement as you navigate living with a substance use disorder in an increasingly expensive world. With the right help and tools, it is possible to manage your addiction and find happiness and fulfilment despite the rising cost of living.

School Refusal

The rising cost of living can also impact individuals who are struggling with school-refusal behaviours. When the financial strain and stress increase, the risk of school avoidance or absenteeism may also increase.

If you know a young person struggling with school avoidance, it may be useful to consider mindfulness practices, or the “5 ways to wellbeing”. These are both techniques to minimise stress, anxiety and other stress-related behaviours and thought processes. Find out more here:

5 Ways to Wellbeing

Mindfulness and its benefit to young people

If you are struggling with school refusal behaviours, it is important to reach out for professional support. This may include developing strategies for managing your symptoms more effectively, working with a counsellor or therapist to address the underlying causes of your school refusal behaviours, and utilising evidence-based treatments such as cognitive-behavioural therapy. Additionally, it can be helpful to connect with support groups or online communities that can provide you with additional resources and encouragement as you navigate living

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The Post-Covid Impact on Mental Health

It is now more important than ever to be aware of the mental health implications of Covid. Recent studies have shown that mental health conditions are on the rise in countries all over the world, and it is likely that this trend will continue in the aftermath of Covid. Whether you are infected with Covid or not, it is important to be aware of the mental health risks associated with this pandemic. In this article, we will discuss some of the most common mental health conditions and their potential impacts post-Covid.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

PTSD is one mental health condition that is especially at risk of being negatively impacted by Covid. Studies have shown that individuals who are exposed to trauma and stress, such as those experiencing or witnessing a natural disaster, are more likely to experience PTSD in the short-term. Given the ongoing nature of Covid and its impact on communities throughout the world, it is likely that many individuals will experience increased levels of trauma and stress, which could lead to an increase in mental health challenges such as PTSD.


Some recent studies have also found a correlation between Covid and PTSD

  • A study conducted by Matsumoto et al. in 2022 concluded that 1.8% of people not infected with covid-19 exhibited symptoms of PTSD afterwards.
  • Nearly 1 in 5 patients who were hospitalised for Covid developed significant post-traumatic stress symptoms within one month.
  • In the study conducted by Ouyang et al. in 2022, it was found that PTSD symptoms had increased from 10.73% to 20.84%.

Want to learn more about PTSD? Download our free info guides:

Childhood Trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

PTSD in the Military and Veterans


The depression symptoms of low mood could be caused by the lockdown, not being able to see people, and not doing regular daily tasks. Having other mental health problems, such as anxiety, might also result in a low mood which would make the depression worse.

According to a recent study, 1 in 5 non-infected individuals have diagnosable depression. (Matsumoto et al., 2022).

If you want to find out more about depression, Shawmind’s CPD accredited Understanding Depression course will teach you about what depression is, how it affects people, how it can be managed and how you can support someone struggling.


Anxiety disorders are also becoming more common post-Covid, as individuals find themselves worrying about their own health and the health of loved ones.

Since the outbreak of Covid-19, many people have found increased difficulty with anxiety in both its mental and physical manifestations, such as:

  • restlessness or feeling on edge
  • difficulty concentrating
  • muscle tension
  • sleep problems

For those who excessively worry, the thought of catching or dying from covid may increase levels of anxiety.

  • A study has found that anxiety and depression affect 23% of patients who have recovered from Covid-19.(Huang et al., 2021).
  • Anxiousness disorders were present in 10.4% of people who weren’t infected with a disease. (Matsumoto et al., 2022).


Obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD, is another mental health condition that has seen an increase in prevalence post-Covid. Individuals with OCD find themselves constantly worrying about whether they have properly washed their hands or if their home is adequately disinfected.

They may also experience repetitive thoughts and behaviours like checking for germs multiple times a day or ritualistic hand washing.

  • Recent studies have confirmed that 1.6% of non-infected individuals have OCD (Matsumoto et al., 2022).

Want to learn about OCD? Shawmind’s Understanding OCD course will give you an introduction to OCD , ideal for anyone with OCD or anyone who supports others with OCD including parents, teachers, and employers.

Eating Disorders

The mental health impacts of Covid are not exclusive to mental health conditions that are already present in a given individual. For many, the experience of staying isolated at home and facing social isolation can lead to increased susceptibility to developing an eating disorder.

Eating disorders commonly include anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder.

A recent study found that roughly 2% of non-infected individuals were suffering from an eating disorder before Covid (Matsumoto et al., 2022).

Given the mental health impacts of Covid, it is important to seek support and mental healthcare as needed. Whether you are struggling with mental health conditions that are already present in your life or if you are experiencing mental health symptoms related to Covid, there is help available. Seeking support and treatment can help you cope with the mental health challenges associated with Covid, and can also enable you to lead a healthy, happy life.

Want to learn more about eating disorders?

Our Understanding Eating Disorders course is ideal for an introduction to the topic of eating disorders or as a knowledge refresher course. This fully online course provides a level of understanding that can be applied to personal or work life situations.

Domestic Violence

Covid may also be impacting mental health in domestic violence situations. Many survivors of domestic abuse who are already experiencing mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, or PTSD may find that the isolation caused by Covid is further exacerbating their mental health symptoms.

Additionally, individuals who are experiencing mental health challenges related to Covid may find it difficult to leave an abusive relationship due to the mental health impacts of Covid.

If you are a survivor of domestic violence and are struggling with mental health issues related to Covid, it is important to seek support and mental healthcare as needed. Whether you need help managing existing mental health conditions or if you need assistance addressing mental health challenges related to Covid, there is help available. By reaching out for mental health support, you can lead a healthy and happy life despite the mental health impacts of Covid.​

Substance Use

The mental health impacts of Covid are also impacting individuals struggling with substance use disorders. Many people who struggle with addiction find that their mental health challenges, especially anxiety and depression, increase the potential for relapse during periods of stress or social isolation.

Additionally, individuals struggling with mental health conditions related to Covid may be at an increased risk of relapse due to mental health challenges associated with Covid.

Eventually, individuals who abuse substances repeatedly begin to rely on them to feel good and can become addicted or dependent. According to Roberts et al. (2021), as many as 7 in 10 people used alcohol during the Covid pandemic, while 17.5% used other substances such as amphetamines, cannabis, stimulants, sleep aids and recreational drugs.

School Refusal

School refusal can be a mental health issue in its own right, but it can also be a symptom of an underlying mental health condition. For example, some students who experience school refusal may be dealing with anxiety or depression and may find that they are unable to attend school due to mental health challenges related to Covid.

The previous school closures as part of broader social distancing measures during the height of the pandemic also are associated with considerable harms to children and young people’s health and wellbeing. School routines are important coping mechanisms for young people in general, but especially those with mental health issues or underlying conditions. When schools are closed, they lose an anchor in life and their symptoms often worsen.

If you or your child is struggling with mental health concerns related to Covid, it is important to seek support and mental healthcare as needed. Whether you need help managing existing mental health conditions or if you are experiencing mental health challenges related to Covid, there are mental health resources available that can help. By reaching out for mental health support, you can lead a healthy and happy life despite the mental health impact of Covid.​

  • According to the Department for Education, in 2018-2019, school refusal affected 1 out of every 10 students (10.9%) in the UK (Department for Education, 2020; Kljakovic et al., 2021).

We also find that it can be useful to consider mindfulness practices, or the “5 ways to wellbeing”. These are both techniques to minimise stress, anxiety and other stress-related behaviours and thought processes. Find out more here:

5 Ways to Wellbeing

Mindfulness and its benefit to young people

Post-Covid, the key figures are:

Over a fifth of students (21.3%) were absent from school due to Covid circumstances

According to the data, 12.1% of students had persistent absences this year, which is an increase from the previous year of 10.8%.

The student absence rate is 4.6%. This means that out of 20 students, 1 will be absent. The percentage has decreased from 4.7% the previous academic year according to Gov UK (2022).

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Improving mental health after lockdown

During lockdown, we were all made aware of the mental health risks of social isolation, staying indoors and mass worry about health.

However, since lockdown has finished, and we are all back in reality – how do we take care of our mental health now that everything is back to normal?

Whatever you are feeling is OK. There is no right or wrong way to react. Coronavirus has impacted all of our lives and it’s natural that these uncertain and challenging times are continuing to affect people’s mental health and wellbeing.

Even positive change can lead to anxiety, and it can take time to readjust to things we have not done for a while. Feelings of anxiety are likely to pass with time as we get used to the “new normal” but it’s important to do what we can to take care of our mental health. It’s important to be kind to yourself and take things at your own pace. We’ve all faced challenges over the past two years and it’s OK if you still need time to readjust. If you’re finding things tough, try to talk about how you are feeling with others. You’re not alone.

There are lots of things that can help you to manage these feelings and make it easier to adjust.

Here are our top tips for taking care of your mental health now that things have changed.

Pay attention to how you are feeling.

Acknowledging your feelings and taking time to understand and accept them can be very beneficial in processing the emotion and moving forward from it. Once you are aware of how you are feeling, it will be easier to open up to someone to talk about your emotions.

Make time for yourself.

Do something that you enjoy, that makes you feel good! It may be something like playing sports or taking your favourite book to a park for 30 minutes in the sun. Even taking a five-minute break with a cup of tea will help you relax and recharge.

Keep to a routine.

If you’re worried about the future, planning your day might help you feel more grounded. Prioritize eating healthy, getting enough sleep, and exercising – a small walk outside at lunchtime is a good place to start.

Try a relaxation exercise.

Sometimes something as basic as regulated breathing may help us feel more at ease. Muscle relaxation techniques can also help alleviate tension and anxiety. Find a quiet place and try out some relaxing mindfulness exercises. They are simple to remember and may be utilised when out and about. Our 6-week Mindfulness course teaches the learner what mindfulness is, the importance of mindfulness in relationships, the neuroscience of self-compassion, and an understanding of how to apply mindfulness in your life.

Take a break from the news and social media.

If you find it difficult to turn off, prioritising other activities might help. Turn off your alerts or leave your phone in a different room for a few hours. If your profession requires a lot of screen time, stepping away from your gadgets after work may help you relax.

Talk about how you’re feeling.

Talking might help us put things into perspective and feel less alone. It might be difficult to reach out, but speaking with a trusted friend, coworker, or family member is something we would encourage you to do in any way you can. Why not drop-in during one of our weekly Breathe Café sessions to access resources on mental health and wellbeing, signposting to mental health services and our network of volunteers who are there to listen.

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