
Holidays and Mental Health


The holiday period is a time for relaxation and happiness, where people catch up with family and friends and take a rest from work.

Unfortunately, for many people the holiday period is not all about positivity and can instead have a negative impact on their mental health. This can be for a number of reasons, with different people reacting differently to the same events. Here we will outline some of the reasons why people may find the holiday period tough and what problems may arise. We will also suggest some tips that may help to reduce the impact the holidays have on your mental health.

The term holiday period can be subjective. In the UK you may see this term as referring to the days prior to Christmas until New Year’s Day, whereas in the USA you may see this period as starting as early as Thanksgiving week. It also varies based on cultural and religious beliefs. Whilst for the most part we are referring to the first definition, the contents of this brochure are likely to apply to most holiday and religious celebrations throughout the year.
